Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sound of the waves woke me

Maybe dreaming, I thought I heard a train. But it's the crazy wind and crashing waves outside my windows. I'm enjoying the sound, even though it's too dark to see the beach. Normally I would try at least to go back to sleep. But such is life at an artist colony that I know I can sleep later if I'm tired. All obligation is removed for awhile. 

What a night last night! Here at the Hermitage Friday readings are right on the beach! I mean, toes in sand. A heron and a skate both made an appearance too. It was a remarkable night, and a delight to share the sand with my fellow reader, the playwright Y York. 

My goal these two weeks--half over now--is to finish 100 pages of a new novel. I think I'll reach that goal, even as the plot, as they say, keeps thickening. This is a challenging one, in the best possible way. 

Meanwhile, here's the cover of An Italian Wife, published in September and already available for pre order!