Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Summer Vacation

Ever since first grade, summer has held the promise of lazy days, melting root beer Popsicles, Del's lemonade (RI reference!), riding the waves, the smell of Coppertone, reading three or four books a week...

Somehow in adulthood, or at least in my world as a writer, that remains a dream. For me, summer is my busiest work time. That's when most writers conferences are held and I hit the road to teach. This month that means Salt Lake City, Nantucket, and Aspen. July is Truro and Ireland. August is my beloved Bread Loaf. 

With me I'll have my editor's brilliant notes for revision on The Book That Matters Most. A lace shawl knitting project. The new Kate Atkins novel, the latest Eric Larsen, two books on WW I, and The Lists of the Past, Submergence, and History. Of course along the way I will pick up more books. 

No Coppertone or Popsicles, I'm afraid. But inspiration, old friends, new friends, beautiful landscapes, hard work, gin and tonics (and Harp!), comrarderie, memories...