If I woke up to my beloved trucks across the street at D'Agostino's then this must be Tuesday in NYC! Sadly no lingering this morning. I'm heading straight home to attend to family and then tonight to speak to Annabelle's school.
Tomorrow night i will speak at a church in Whitinsville, MA. This event was set up by someone near and dear to me, and I'm so looking forward to it.
If you're anywhere near Melrose MA, come to the library on Thursday at 7. They always fill the place with the most wonderful people!
And Friday I fly to Minneapolis for the Twin Rivers Book Festival. My panel is on Saturday. I love Minneapolis! Please don't snow this weekend!
Home Saturday night, but late. And Sunday? All my favorite Libras and Scorpios are converging at Gogo's for ravioli. Let the feasting begin!